Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Week 7 - Library@Orchard

Analogical thinking 

Analogical thinking are similes, metaphors and analogies(personal, direct, symbolic and fantasy). They are thinking strategies that provide new ideas for problem-solving by making associations between objects that seem dissimilar. It is also known as a figure of speech which helps to generate new concepts by attaching unforeseen connections to familiar ones.

On tutorial week, we were tasked to visit Library@Orchard and capture images on our smartphones and share our ideas about analogical thinking. 

This was not my first visit to Library@Orchard. Hence, I already knew what made this library differ from other libraries. It has a very minimalistic interior. When I first stepped into the library, the ceiling of the entrance had a rhythm. It had the rhythm of the ocean. Even the book shelves are structured in a way that resembled waves. 

I genuinely love the concept of this library. It has many aesthetics. Not only the bookshelf resembled the waves, the CD shelvings was constructed in a way that gave an illusion as though the CDs are stacked on top of one another. It looks similar to the game 'Jenga'. I truly was mesmerised with the design and structure of this library.

Overall, relating it back to analogical thinking, I strongly felt that the designer of library@orchard, had this concept through analogical thinking. Features like the waves of the ocean and structures of a mountain can be identified in the library. He/she had nature in his head. I hope that in the future, when I successfully hold a career as a designer, I am able to come up with such designs and concept from thinking analogically. 

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