Thursday, 10 September 2015

Week 7 - The Art of Creative Thinking

Recently, I bought a book titled, 'The Art of Creative Thinking'. Truthfully, I am not a reader. What made me bought this book was the introduction. The very first sentence was undoubtedly absolutely relatable to how I genuinely felt when I first stepped into NAFA. I held on to the book for quite some time in the bookstore, reading and reading that was until I decided to purchase it. It was then, that I realise I preferred reading non-fiction books than fictitious books. Aside from the thinking tools that I've learnt, this book further teaches me more ways on how to think creatively/come up with creative ideas.

It has sharpened my interpretation that talent is not an innate ability, in fact, every individual was born with a talent. However, they do not develop it as they were made to feel they weren't born with the amount required to be a professional.  From this book, I have learnt a lot. The knowledge that I have gained from this book can be applied to school and my assignments. One of my favourite approach is to do things/ think of ways that do not make sense as only then, new ideas will arise. Thus, creating something unique and out of this world. In other words, impracticality over practicality. Lastly, I have also learnt that if I want to flourish any kind of activity, I will have to gain a deep understanding of it.

I definitely will share this knowledge with other individuals as I strongly surmise that it's useful and believe that we will come up with better creative ideas.

" To be successfully creative, you have to realise that it's ok to be yourself. We all have weaknesses and strengths; the creative accept them and use them both. The biggest benefit you can be to your company, school, business or family is to accentuate what is special and unique about yourself. That's difficult in a society that puts conformity."- Rod Judkins

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