Monday, 12 October 2015

Week 10 - Synesthesia


*I do not own any of these images*

What is synesthesia?

It is the production of sense impression relating to one sense it part of the body by stimulation of another sense it part of the body. Or in other words, a minority bunch of people what has synesthesia where their 5 senses; hearing, tasting, seeing, touching and smelling, are all linked together. Thus, they hear, taste, see, touch and smell things interestingly different from others. This condition is not harmful. However, many individuals wonder if this condition is a blessing or a curse. I personally find this condition as a blessing if the person who suffers from synesthesia is an artist himself. Because of his condition, he would see things very differently from other artist who do not suffer from this condition. And I believe that they would produce a more amusing and captivating artworks. 

What if I were to suffer from synesthesia?

If I were to find out that I am the only person to hear colours, taste shapes and smell sounds, in the beginning I would isolate myself from people and even the world as I would be afraid of what would people think of me when I tell them that I think or see things differently than the others. They would think that I am a strange person and change their perception of me. Specifically, fear of being ridicule d for my unusual abilities. Afterwards, I would radiate and drown myself with positive thoughts. I will also embrace this condition by channeling my odd vision and ideas into school work/projects. Such as drawings and sculptures.

FUN FACT: Many synesthetes are successful musicians such as Mary J. Blige, Pharrell Williams, Kanye West, Stevie Wonder and Charli XCX.

After having to find out of this condition, I did a preliminary reasearch, as I wanted to gain a a better understanding of what they are actually suffering from and what do the really hear, taste and smell. I was upset when I found out that many of these synesthetes were made fun of and were labelled as "weirdos". I realise that I am presently living in a society whereby having someone with a special condition means that they are worthless, hopeless and weak. And then again, I realised that I am part of this society and I should make a change and spread awareness. 

A video which had helped me to gain a better understanding of what synesthetes hear, taste and smell.

A short documentary of a bunch of real synesthetes 

Week 9 - Individual Exercise: Force Connection

Randomly choose one object from B and describe it with all of the adjectives A.

A (adjective)
  • Passionate
  • Sad
  • Brave
  • Creative
  • Greedy
  • Hardworking
B (object)
  1. Pencil
  2. Clock
  3. Computer
  4. Cup
  5. Plug
  6. Candle

2.  A clock is an instrument that determines the time. And time is a duration regraded as belonging to the present life as distinct from the life to come or from eternity. Time is also taken for granted. Individuals do not realise that time is limited. The older we get, the busier we become and the faster time flies. Thus, the more hardworking we become as we try to manage on our time as wisely as possible. Some individuals become too greedy for time as they want to live their lives to the fullest. However, majority of these individuals are greedily living their lives to the fullest wrongfully. And some spend too much time being sad over ridiculous and petty reasons. For example, they use the time for selfish reasons such as trying to impress others for being someone they are not. Instead of doing so, they could have been a genuine person and led a better life. They should be brave to show who they truly are. Every individual should also be passionate with what they are doing. Hence, they will come up with much more creative and constructive ideas.

From this exercise, I would have never have thought that I could link random adjectives with a clock. One of the main reason I was able to complete this exercise was because of the thinking tools that I have learnt; Lateral thinking and Analogical Thinking. I am pleased that I was able to complete this exercise.

Week 8 - Analogical Thinking Pt 2

Week 8 Exercise

Condense all that you have gathered through your learning process in brainstorming and mind mapping into an idea for a found image of your choice. (Inspired by nature or any life form)

Learning Process 

For the past 8 weeks, I have learnt how to break the rules, brainstorm, mind-map, thinking laterally and analogically. These strategies are very useful as it had undeniably helped me to generate greater ideas. I will try apply these knowledge for as long as I can. 

A found image inspired by nature

I found this image on Google. This is actually a table and its stand is inspired by the roots of the trees. I really like the concept behind this and thought of other functional goods that can be created.

Here are 3 items that I have sketched out.

A chair with roots as its stand.

Clothing rack with roots as its hooked.

Roots shelf

Out of 5 sketches, I only picked 3 of them as the other 2 weren't as interesting.
From these past few weeks, I have learnt a lot; ways to reflect, thinking tools etc. I started to reflect and think more frequently than before which had helped me to generate lots of fresh new ideas. For example, when I first saw the image of the table with its stand inspired by the roots of the trees, I started to apply the thinking tools to come up with more fixtures/furnitures that could also be inspired by the roots. Moreover, I had also applied these thinking tools into my school work. These thinking tools had been a great help to me. 

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Class Exercise 2: Bee Activity

Imagine this room: The window at the back is open. In front of the window there is a table with a vase, in which a fresh rose stands. A painting of flowers hangs on the opposite wall (at the whiteboard area). A bee flies into the room through the open window, straight to the painting and not the rose. WHY?!


Lateral thinking is a creative thinking tool. Lateral thinking involves a process. Lateral thinking tools are meant to supplement existing ideas. For this activity, we were tasked to come up with constructive and creative theories on why the bee flew straight to the painting and not the fresh rose. I then came up with a few theories although most of it are illogical, lateral thinking was implemented into this. 

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Week 7 - Class Exercise

Analogical Thinking Pt 1.

Exercise 1: Think of any object that can connect a playful idea of simile, metaphor or analogy.



Exercise 2: Identify 3 products that use analogical thinking. eg. those inspired by nature or other life forms. 

Disclaimer: These images are taken from google

1. Coat hook inspired by the skyline

2. Esplanade inspired by the durian

3. Tables inspired by the roots of trees

From this exercises, I had a better understanding of a simile and a metaphor and I am now able to differentiate the difference between them. I have learnt that all of these products are invented through thinking analogically. I would have never thought that even a skyline could be a coat hanger and roots to be made into tables. I hope that in the next lesson, I would have a better grasp of understanding the concept of analogical thinking,  

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Week 7 - Library@Orchard

Analogical thinking 

Analogical thinking are similes, metaphors and analogies(personal, direct, symbolic and fantasy). They are thinking strategies that provide new ideas for problem-solving by making associations between objects that seem dissimilar. It is also known as a figure of speech which helps to generate new concepts by attaching unforeseen connections to familiar ones.

On tutorial week, we were tasked to visit Library@Orchard and capture images on our smartphones and share our ideas about analogical thinking. 

This was not my first visit to Library@Orchard. Hence, I already knew what made this library differ from other libraries. It has a very minimalistic interior. When I first stepped into the library, the ceiling of the entrance had a rhythm. It had the rhythm of the ocean. Even the book shelves are structured in a way that resembled waves. 

I genuinely love the concept of this library. It has many aesthetics. Not only the bookshelf resembled the waves, the CD shelvings was constructed in a way that gave an illusion as though the CDs are stacked on top of one another. It looks similar to the game 'Jenga'. I truly was mesmerised with the design and structure of this library.

Overall, relating it back to analogical thinking, I strongly felt that the designer of library@orchard, had this concept through analogical thinking. Features like the waves of the ocean and structures of a mountain can be identified in the library. He/she had nature in his head. I hope that in the future, when I successfully hold a career as a designer, I am able to come up with such designs and concept from thinking analogically. 

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Week 7 - The Art of Creative Thinking

Recently, I bought a book titled, 'The Art of Creative Thinking'. Truthfully, I am not a reader. What made me bought this book was the introduction. The very first sentence was undoubtedly absolutely relatable to how I genuinely felt when I first stepped into NAFA. I held on to the book for quite some time in the bookstore, reading and reading that was until I decided to purchase it. It was then, that I realise I preferred reading non-fiction books than fictitious books. Aside from the thinking tools that I've learnt, this book further teaches me more ways on how to think creatively/come up with creative ideas.

It has sharpened my interpretation that talent is not an innate ability, in fact, every individual was born with a talent. However, they do not develop it as they were made to feel they weren't born with the amount required to be a professional.  From this book, I have learnt a lot. The knowledge that I have gained from this book can be applied to school and my assignments. One of my favourite approach is to do things/ think of ways that do not make sense as only then, new ideas will arise. Thus, creating something unique and out of this world. In other words, impracticality over practicality. Lastly, I have also learnt that if I want to flourish any kind of activity, I will have to gain a deep understanding of it.

I definitely will share this knowledge with other individuals as I strongly surmise that it's useful and believe that we will come up with better creative ideas.

" To be successfully creative, you have to realise that it's ok to be yourself. We all have weaknesses and strengths; the creative accept them and use them both. The biggest benefit you can be to your company, school, business or family is to accentuate what is special and unique about yourself. That's difficult in a society that puts conformity."- Rod Judkins

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Week 6 - Thinking Tools

"Does gaining into new thinking tools help you to generate better?"

For the past few weeks, I have learnt new thinking tools from my creative thinking module. I have also learnt how to apply these tools into thinking and coming up with inventive ideas.

APC: Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices.
APC is finding alternative, consider possibilities, apply choices to a certain situation or problem. 

PMI: Plus, Minus, Interesting.

BOI: Basic Ordering Ideas
This was a concept developed by Tony Buzan. It was his mind-mapping theory. It was to help radiate out ideas in mind-mapping. Basically, if your first-level topics are well thought through, the rest of the mind map would have a quality content.

Lateral thinking

  • outside the box
  • ability to think creatively 
  • involves discarding the obvious
  • leaving behind traditional modes of though
  • throwing away preconceptions
  • use inspiration and imagination to solve problems by looking at them from unexpected perspectives 
  • provocations of new patterns
Therefore, from all of theses tools that I have learnt, it definitely has helped me to generate ideas better. It also has helped me to present my ideas in a more systematic manner. I hope that I will be learning more thinking tools in the incoming weeks. I look forward into learning more of these thinking tools as it gets me thinking effectively, hence coming up with constructive ideas.