Designers that employ “Breaking the Rules”
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the images below. Images are taken from Google.
I am/will be majoring in Interior Design and I aspire to be like Chip and Joanna Gaines.
Chip and Joanna Gaines, both are designers and have their own reality series "Fixer Upper" on HGTV. The married duo started from distinctive careers. Joanna was a boutique owner and Chip was working in real estate by buying, renovating and selling homes. Shortly after, they incorporated their values of their crafts into one holistic company.
Breaking The Rules
They have broken the rules in many ways. One of which was setting up a company together. Many have said that married couples should never work together because of various reasons that in fact are valid. Some examples are : -
- being capable of working on projects together professionally
- acting in a way that makes other individuals uncomfortable
- causing tension and drama from home to work if they have a fight which could jeopardise their careers as well as their relationship, vice versa
Moreover, setting up a company together which will emphasise its validity further.
Many individuals have a common misconception that combining classic elements and modern elements in interior designing, is a call for a disaster. However, Chip & Joanna have proven that retro/vintage and contemporary designs compliments each other. The combination surprisingly goes well. Their designs also strongly depicts simplicity at its finest. It's the narrow perception of individuals that have caused this common misconception. How Chip & Joanna had approached such fusion of design had helped me perceive that designing does not only revolves around the norm.
To conclude, Chip & Joanna Gaines are my definition of designers that breaks the rules. They are my personal influences and they motivate me to become an inspiring interior designer. I yearn to excel in this major to achieve my dreams/ambition.
Form Vs Function
Definition of 'form'
- external appearance of a clearly defined area, as distinguished from colour or material; configuration:
- the shape of a thing or person
- something that gives or determines shape; a mould
Verb (used with object)
- to construct or frame
- to compose
- to contract or develop
Verb (used without object)
- to be formed or produced
- to take or assume form
Definition of 'function'
- the kind of action or activity proper to a person, thing, or institution; the purpose for which something is designed or exists; role
- any ceremonious public or social gathering or occasion.
- a factor related to or dependent upon other factors
- to perform a specified action or activity; work; operate
- to have or exercise a function; serve
Without form, there wouldn't be function. For example, vehicles. Without the right elements of constructing, the vehicle is incapable of functioning. If you do not install the right
Therefore, I conclude that one has to follow the other.
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